About Us

Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT)
International Society of Animal Professionals (ISAP)
International Alliance of Holistic Therapists (IAHT)

Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences)
Masters of Applied Science (Wildlife Health and Population Management)
Advanced Diploma in Canine Behaviour and Management
Certificate IV Companion Animal Studies
Certificate III Training and Assessment
Diploma of Naturopathy
Diploma of Herbal Medicine
Certificate in Pet Food Nutrition
Certificate in Raw Food Nutrition
Certificate in Small Animal Bowen Therapy
Katie Dunford (nee Saran)
Founder of Hounds in Harmony 2018/ Senior Behaviour & Wellness Consultant
Katie is passionate about all things Canine. She is constantly furthering her knowledge in areas to compliment a holistic approach to the well-being of dogs with their families. She understands how challenging & exhausting behaviour problems can be, & is driven to help your dog become the best version of themselves.
Katie’s expertise comes from a comprehensive educational framework. Her formal education is further enriched with over a decade working in the Assistance Dog field, & years before that in boarding dog care & pet training. Her role as Head Trainer saw her travelling to work directly with families Australia wide, additionally offering further support remotely. During this time, she has been hands on; training puppies & dogs specifically for supporting clients with; Physical Disabilities, Autism, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dementia, & Schools for children with a wide range of special abilities. She has also presented demonstrations & talks for a wide range of media & audiences, including Universities.
Maintaining the utmost professionalism, Katie holds numerous Industry Memberships, both Nationally & Internationally. She is continuing to expand her knowledge in the areas of Canine Bowen Therapy, Aromatherapy & other complimentary modalities. To keep her knowledge at the forepaw of best practice, she regularly attends seminars & conferences; bringing scientific principles to you, through humane & positive approaches that work.
She currently has 2 dogs; Jester, a 10 year old Scruffy Mutley (Wolfhound/Staffy mix) & Triksy, a 15 month old whirlwind (Bloodhound/Mastiff mix). Additionally, over the last decade, she has had a revolving door for over 100 Assistance Dogs in training.
Contact Katie today so she can help you find harmony with your dog.